Business Strategy: The Real Inside Story

The Real Story About Business Strategy

Let's be real for a hot minute. What does business strategy even mean? Strategy is a funny word isn't it? We talk a good game about our so-called strategies but what the hell are we even saying. According to every MBA in the universe a business strategy is our plan to reach our big goals over the next 3 to 5 years.

Side story before I get to my point. I’ve never had problems with my teeth, not even a cavity… until recently. Lucy head-butted me one too many times + last year I had to get a crown. I've always wanted a crown… just not in my mouth.

The oral surgeon told me that they were going to do whatever is necessary to save my tooth. I guess my mouth prefers the real thing. I'm not an oral surgeon how would I know? *shrugs* He had data on his side in keeping my tooth intact without extracting it and putting in an implant. His strategy is pretty solid + he had data to back it up. 

Business strategy is done on research, data and previous success. Without past failures then one couldn't build their empire. When brainstorming strategies, some are great, some work smoothly and some are duds. Making decisions that achieve long term goals is the key to a stable business strategy. This is why I have all my clients create a one-page plan: it keeps things simple + concise. Then we delve deep into what data supports their idea + solves their customer's problems. I'll let you in on a little secret, the key to a great strategy is taking what you know + building upon that to make it even stronger. 

What big strategies are you working on right now?