Masterminding: Empowering you to #BeAwesome

Flight delayed... AGAIN!

Sitting at a bar drinking the sour mood away. At this point, I'm just ready to get home after my whirlwind trip to Charleston, South Carolina.

Yes, it has been an AWESOME time with some great ladies, lots of masterminding and girl time, but now it's time to get back home to my reality. AND let's face it... I have a list a mile long of work to do that came out of my trip. You can relate, right?

Marketing never stops!

So let's talk shop... I learned so much from my trip and feel I can concur the world with the knowledge I now have. But really what I want to say is I saw that every woman entrepreneur has so many similar characteristics and issues. AND a great way to talk and work through those issues is to get together with like minded ladies and talk, encourage, critique, suggest and share. It's called masterminding and is an AMAZING thing.

I sat in on a girlfriend Friday masterminding session without knowing any of the beautiful, talented ladies (except of course my main squeeze, Ronii) and was able to see the positive power of women working in a group and sharing their knowledge and helping each other. Even I jumped in and gave my own advise and opinions, which thankfully were accepted and welcomed. It was cool as shit to walk in not knowing the ladies and still bring something positive to the table. This group of ladies was the bomb diggity. And this gab session changed me and made me want to help others like me... AND of course you.

When holding or sitting in on a masterminding group, nothing truly goes as planned. We totally tried to keep to an agenda, but once these ladies starting talking the ideas, problems, concerns and suggestions came pouring out. Not only do you learn more about your business (or everyone else's businesses) but you learn about yourself. It isn't always about business. A woman's self-worth, lack of confidence (or abundance), daily struggles and all those other f-ing issues we deal with on a daily basis, come to the surface and you are face to face with them and are forced to deal with them. And guess what.... YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! We all have them. And working with a fabulous masterminding group helps you cope and overcome. And whether you want those feelings out in the open or not, they do show in these gab sessions. But guess what... IT'S OK!!! We all have them, and really we can help everyone else deal with theirs, so it only makes sense to have other fabulous ladies like ourselves help us. Let's face it... how you feel about your personal life shows in your business life.

It is great how these masterminding groups work. You set a consistent meeting time, whether once a month, bi-monthly, or even weekly (but really who has time for one every week - another topic for another day). And one or two ladies take the stage at every meeting and talk about their business and their concerns, what they are proud of, their fears, etc. And then the gab session ensues. Once you start talking and your friends (because in all actuality these ladies will become your best friends) start answering questions, asking questions and offering their opinions, the true woman nature comes out. We nurture. We are brutually honest. We cry. We laugh. We hug. All this wrapped into a masterminding session provides the empowerment we need to go out there and concur the world and be ourselves and GET SHIT DONE!

My point is... no one expects you to run your business alone. There are resources and groups out there to help you. USE THEM! Remember to be flexible because honestly, us ladies LOVE to gossip and gab and share more than we intended. It is what we do and why we are AWESOME. So go out there and find yourself (or create) a girlfriend masterminding group (aka gab sessions as I like to call them) and start being positive and helping each other with our businesses.

Let's get empowered to #beawesome! Click to Tweet

Find your lifeline with amazing business sisters. Share the empowerment and be sure to tweet this article with hashtag #beawesome to spread the inspiration and show your enthusiasm. We can't wait to see YOU come shining through in your business.